ESEA Application Information

Helpful Hints for the ESEA Application

  • Start at the top of the screen and work your way down. Skipping ahead may cause errors and problems.

  • Upload signed assurances, debarment, and private school affirmation forms by July 1st.

  • Update all contacts and users. This website provides tips on getting started.

  • A “Copy Budget” function is available for some Titles. This function allows users to copy the last approved budget from the previous year into the current year. Do not use this function if there are significant changes from last year to this year. (For example, LEAs with schools implementing the Title I schoolwide model for the first time should not use this function for the Title I budget.)

  • Do NOT skip ahead to the “Copy Budget” function. Skipping ahead will cause errors and problems.

Title I Comparability Reporting

  • Districts receiving Title I, Part A funds are required by federal legislation to conduct an annual review of their local and state expenditures to ensure Title I and non-Title I schools receive a distribution of those funds on an equivalent basis, and to maintain documentation of the results and the action taken, if necessary, to remedy findings of non-comparability. Districts with only one school per grade span are EXEMPT from this requirement. Comparability calculations and supporting evidence for the school year should be maintained in district records for future monitoring visits and/or audits. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction will be collecting the required comparability report that must be maintained in local records for the school year. 

WISEgrant Technical Assistance

Obtaining a WAMS ID

  • All individuals who wish to access WISEgrants must have a professional WAMS ID. To create or update a WAMS ID using a work e-mail address, go to Wisconsin User ID wesite (this is not a DPI site). 

  • For additional information: Getting a WAMS ID: A Quick-Start Guide

  • Presentation on WISEgrants security requirements and setting up subrecipient access: Logging in to WISEgrants

Accessing WISEgrants Frequently Asked Questions

For more information, contact:

jamee belland

Jamee Belland

Co-Director of CIA

920.557.2806 or 920.855.2114

ext. 245