Carl Perkins Grant Consortium
Wisconsin's Primary Focus for the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act:
Establish career pathways including improvement and expansion of existing career pathways and the development and implementation of new career pathways;
Increasing the rigor of work-based learning programs;
Improving student performance for special populations through focused activities and support;
Expansion of Nontraditional Occupations (NTO) career awareness and exploration with increased participation and completion of POS.
CESA 8 serves as the fiscal agent for the administration of the CESA 8 Carl D. Perkins Consortium Grant:
Administration of Carl D. Perkins Act funds, including preparation and monitoring of the consortium’s budget and claims submission as required by the Department of Public Instruction.
Monitor district budgets to ensure timely expenditures and
Payment to districts for reimbursement of approved project expenditures.
Preparation and submission of year-end report.
Tracking and follow-up through annual audit of all documentation as required by grant regulations
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